1st provincial Bourges yearlings
3rd provincial Vierzon youngsters
4th provincial Argenton yearlings
6th provincial Chateauroux yearlings
6th provincial Issoudun yearlings
9th provincial Bourges yearlings
9th provincial Argenton old
1st National Poitiers old birds
5th Provincial La Souterraine youngsters
3rd Provincial Acepigeon GMD youngsters
2 young birds in the Pipa ranking 6/6 nationals
1st National AcePigeon KBDB GMD young birds
1st National AcePigeon Pipa 4 national races
1st Provincial AcePigeon GMD young birds
1st Championship GMD old birds Union & Liberté
1st Championship GMD yearlings Union & Liberté
2nd Championship GMD young birds Union & Liberté
5th Provincial Championship KBDB GMD youngsters
1st place Tulle old birds Union&Liberté
1st place La Souterraine young birds Union & Liberté
1st place Issoudun yearlings Union & Liberté
1st place Argenton yearlings Union & Liberté
1st place Chateauroux young birds Union & Liberté
5th National AcePigeon KBDB GMD young birds
5th National AcePigeon Pipa young birds 4 races
15th National AcePigeon KBDB all-round
16th National AcePigeon KBDB all-round
2nd Provincial AcePigeon GMD young birds
6th Provincial Championship GMD young birds
10th Provincial AcePigeon Long distance old birds and yearlings
1st Championship LD yearlings Union & Liberté
1st Championship GMD young birds Union & Liberté
3rd Championship GMD old birds Union & Liberté
4th Championship GMD yearlings KAMPIOENSCHAP zware halve fond jaarlingen Union&Liberté
1st place Tours yearlings Union & Liberté
1st place Blois young birds Union & Liberté
1st place Libourne old birds Union & Liberté
1st National Cahors old birds
4th National AcePigeon KBDB GMD yearlings
1st Provincial BOURGES old birds
5th Provincial Championship Long Distance old birds & yearlings
5th Provincial Championship GMD old birds & yearlings
11th Provincial AcePigeon GMD old birds & yearlings
11th Provincial AcePigeon Long Distance old birds & yearlings
1st Championship Long Distance yearlings Union & Liberté
2nd Championship Long Distance old birds Union & Liberté
2nd Championship GMD yearlings Union & Liberté
3rd Championship GMD old birds Union & Liberté
1st National Limoges yearlings – fastest from 20.444 birds
1st Place Chateauroux De Arend
1st Place Argenton De Arend
1st Place Blois De Arend
1st Place Limoges Local Unique
1st Place Chevrainvilliers De Strijdersbond
2nd Place Championship GMD young birds De Arend
5th Place Championship GMD yearlings De Arend
1st Championship Long Distance yearlings Union & Liberté
1st – 2nd – 3rd Acepigeon Long Distance yearlings Union & Liberté
3rd Provincal AcePigeon KBDB Long Distance yearlings
6th National Acepigeon KBDB Long Distance yearlings – 4 races
1st place Tulle Union&Liberté yearlings
1st place Argenton Union&Liberté yearlings
1st place Bourges 1 Union&liberté yearlings
1st place Bourges 2 Union&Liberté yearlings